Year 4 Curriculum Overview Autumn 2024
Year 4 Curriculum Overview Spring 25
Our Values champion for this half term goes to Sofiia. You show respect in everything you do. Your learning behaviours in class are stunning, you are always ready to work. I noticed that you are always listening and show that by sitting beautifully. In your work, you always show respect for your presentation and outcomes by pushing yourself to be the best you can. Due to this, you are making so much progress with your learning and your books look stunning. You respect the classroom by going above and beyond when we tidy up and always make sure every area of the classroom is tidy. This year you have shown that you respect your friends by always being kind and thoughtful towards them. You think carefully about how you treat others and get on with everyone.
Find out moreNoemi is our values champion for being such a superstar learner. She always remains focused on what she is asked to do, she will talk to her adults if she needs support and as a result she is always achieving her best. Noemi cares for both her friends and our school environment. She uses her manners and kind words when playing with her friends and together they show respect for our school environment by keeping it clean and tidy. Thank you for being such a wonderful, respectful member of our class, Noemi.
Find out moreBenjamin- for being a motivated learner by finding out new facts about space that we were learning about in class. Then you taught the class the new facts. This is great learning Benjamin.
Summer for the wonderful presentation of her learning across the curriculum. Well done Summer