Our Staff

  • Head Teacher: Mr Bone
  • Assistant Head: Mrs Reeves
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Reeves
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Bone and Mrs Pearce
  • SENDCo: Mrs Reeves
  • SEND Support and Nurture Lead: Miss Smyth
  • Inclusion Team: Mr Bone, Mrs Reeves, Mrs Pearce and Miss Smyth
  • Nursery: Miss Cole, Mrs Heatley, Miss Serpil, Mrs Harding, Mrs Beesley and Mrs Lee
  • EYFS and Yr 1 Phase Lead: Mrs Rowe
  • Yr 2, 3 and 4 Phase Lead: Mrs Barker
  • Yr 5 and 6 Lead: Mrs Smith
  • EYFS Teachers: Mrs Genaway,  Miss Matthews and Mrs Rowe
  • Year 1 Teachers: Miss Cose and Miss Smale
  • Year 2 Teachers: Mrs Dennis and Miss Henderson
  • Year 3 Teachers: Mrs Petrov, Mrs McDonald, Mrs Kendall and Miss Stamp-Bolton
  • Year 4 Teachers: Miss Holt and Mrs Barker
  • Year 5 Teachers: Mrs Harding and Miss Fearon
  • Year 6 Teachers: Mrs Smith and Mr Metherell
  • HLTAs: Mrs Russell, Mrs Featherstone, Ms Platel, Mrs Clarke, Miss Harvey, Miss Smyth and Mrs Johns
  • LSAs: Miss Tame, Ms Warner, Miss Hogan, Mrs  Mytton, Mrs Panayides, Miss Walker, Mrs Stone, Mrs Whyte, Mrs Owen, Miss Evely, Miss Blake and Ms Hussain
  • ASC/BC: Mrs Brooks, Mrs Clark, Mrs Coulson, Mrs Penwarden, Miss Smyth
  • Admissions Officer: Mrs Webber
  • Administrators: Miss Gouldthorpe and Mrs Pearce
  • Governance Professional: Mrs J Brodie
  • Data Protection Officer: Mrs T Bowden