We offer an inclusive curriculum to ensure that each child’s learning experience offers maximum opportunities for excellence, enjoyment, personal development, respect for self and others.
Children across all of our year groups receive a broad and balanced curriculum that is designed to be fun, engaging and stimulating, and will help them acquire knowledge and skills to be the best they can be. Our aim is for children to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens to enable them to make a positive and economic contribution to society.
Children’s achievements are celebrated and everyone enjoys success and praise regularly during their time in school. We encourage children to become independent and confident in both their work and social development.
Our School Trust Charter : Personal development is at the heart of our schools. It encourages, promotes, adopts and embeds a range of skills that allow children to be life-long learners, achieve a sense of belonging and ultimately flourish. There are five broad areas; mental wellbeing; physical development; cultural capital; spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and British values; relationships, sex education.
For all our children we want our core offer to:
• Provide rich and varied experiences.
• Develop their ‘cultural capital’.
• Prioritise physical and mental well-being as much as academic achievements.
• Involve our families, wherever possible, to support all areas of their child’s personal development.
The children should arrive at school by 8.25 am ready for registration at 8.30am. School closes at 3pm.
Lunch times vary for the children depending on their class EYFS 11:30am – 12.40pm, Year 1 11:40am – 12:40pm, Year 2 11.45am – 12.45pm and KS2 12:00pm – 1:00pm
The school day complies with the Government white paper which requires children to spend 32.5 hours a week in school.
Breakfast Club 7.45am.
After School Club 3.00pm to 6.00pm