Year 4 Curriculum Overview Autumn 2024
Year 4 Curriculum Overview Spring 25
Jessica is an incredibly thoughtful member of the Willow Community and always comes into school with a positive attitude and works incredibly hard. Jessica is a lovely partner and can listen and take turns during partner work. During learning time, Jessica always shows good learning behaviours and is incredibly motivated to do the best she can. Jessica is always there, ready to ensure the classroom is kept tidy and clean so that we can have a happy learning environment. On top of that, Jessica is part of the Year 3/4 football team and shows leadership qualities when working as a team.
Find out moreRowan, you are such a wonderful member of the Holly Class community. The care that you show towards your friends in our class, and the wider school community, is such a joy to see. As a class, we have been focusing on playing with different children to ensure everyone is always included and you have been working really hard on making this happen. Thank you for being so caring and supportive towards others, and for considering how you can help adults around the school at every opportunity by completing little jobs and ensuring the classroom, library and the playground are tidy.
Find out moreIsla-Rose- for working so hard in maths over the last few weeks especially as it has been so tricky. You clearly are working hard with your times tables as you have been able to use them to solve harder problems.
Ivy is our star of the week for her kindness she shows towards others and her resilience when completing her learning. Thank you for being such a star, Ivy!