Our Curriculum Each and every child will experience a culture of excellence so that they achieve their very best, acquire skills and knowledge and build character which they carry into their next step in education – and beyond. Threaded throughout our project-based curriculum is the pursuit of excellence, based upon three, core, elements: a purposeful outcome; an authentic audience and underpinned by a grounding text. Our approach is based upon: * A purposeful and meaningful outcome – it is beautiful, well-crafted and shared with an authentic expert and audience * Critiquing – an expert is part of this process * Embedded value * A grounding text * Multiple re-drafting opportunities * Children presenting their learning outcomes to the community This enables children to flourish and live life to the full; they become highly skilled and they experience things beyond their day to day experiences. It ensures that academic success, creativity and problem solving, reliability, responsibility and resilience, as well as physical development, well-being and mental health are key elements that support the development of the whole child and promote a positive attitude to learning. National Curriculum
Collectively Empowering Excellence are the key values which underpin everything we do at the Learning Academy Partnership. This is applicable to all stakeholders. We believe that to empower excellence in children, we need to work as a collective to ensure this – parents and community members are key. Alongside family learning we need ensure that they are able to engage with the curriculum and any level. Each term, parents, stakeholders and community members will be invited in to celebrate the children’s Beautiful Work. We will also engage local and wider community members as ‘experts’ to support the project-based learning. This will provide the children with a meaningful audience but also to celebrate with the wider school family the excellence that has been achieved.