Warberry PTA Charity Nº 1168018.
Welcome to our PTA (Parent, Teacher Association). The aims of our Association are to work with our Academy to promote a sense of partnership between parents, teachers and the wider community and to provide extra resources to enhance the education of the children.
Warberry Academy is proud to have an active Parent, Teachers Association (PTA) which helps to enrich your child’s whole school experience. Each year the PTA & Academy work hard to raise money to help provide extra resources, equipment or other projects that are not covered by the school’s funding. We are a non-profit organisation and all money raised goes back to the school and your children. Our funding initiatives (or subsidies) enable more trips to go ahead & makes them more affordable for our school community. Regular fun events include Summer & Christmas Fayres, school discos and one-off events to tie in with special celebrations.
To help make the PTA as successful as possible we are always looking for any help you can offer, whether that is coming to meetings to help brainstorm ideas, being involved in planning one of our events or helping out on the day of an event. Each term the PTA meet to review past events, collate parent and pupil feedback and consider how events can be improved for the future. Meetings last approx one hour and are an informal get together where you can meet and get to know other parents. Refreshments are provided and younger children are more than welcome.
Each and every parent, carer, Aunt and Uncle, Granny & Grandad is already a member of our fabulous PTA and you are all very welcome to come along to every event we put on and/or help out.
If you are on Facebook, we encourage you to ‘Like’ our page then you can get reminders and updates of what is going on and help to promote our event by sharing it: Facebook page www.facebook.com/warberry-pta
If you have any more questions about the PTA, would like to get involved or want to share some ideas or feedback, please email Leanne at warberrypta@gmail.com
We are super excited that Forest School lessons have started recently A HUGE thank you to everyone that has helped and supported Claire to put this amazing space together. We can’t wait to hear from our children how much they have enjoyed their time in the forest area. You will remember Claire and the PTA were successful in getting a Grant from SWW last year to help with the cost of getting this space rejuvenated and useable. The Grant has also been used to pay for an outside Forest School Teacher. A BIG thank you too to Victoria and Shaan for giving their time and support to all the lessons.
The area is looking brilliant we think you will agree.
We also have a fantastic addition to the Forest School from a very talented Grandad, Andrew Farley. Thank you Andrew for the brilliant mud kitchen you have made from pallets!
We just need some saucepans, utensils etc to use in our mud kitchen, if you have any spare/unwanted items please drop them into the office, thank you.
Use the code LABELALL20 to receive a 20% discount off your order and enter school ID 32247 so the PTA will receive 24% of your total order, thank you.
Follow this link: My Nametags – Personalised nametags labels for kids
To view some of the amazing photos please visit: