Nursery open 8am to 6pm

We have a number of options for enrichment and school clubs for your children before and after school as well as holiday time.

School Enrichment Clubs: Choir, Invasion Games / Multi Skills with Kinetic and Football with TUCST

Breakfast and After School Club for Years 1 to 6 – Breakfast Club opens at 7.45am and After School Club runs from 3pm to 6pm (further information below)



Forest School

Working outdoors is important to us here at Warberry and the introduction of our new Forest School provision has really enhanced the opportunities we can offer our children. Thanks to our fantastic Trust estates team, who worked tirelessly to enclose an area of our field and built a picket fence around a section for us, the provision is now up and running and an integral part of the curriculum. Warberry’s Forest School site is continuousley developing and will have a fire pit and fixed canopy in the near future. EYFS were the first group to experience this outdoor learning and have loved exploring the space, discovering the flora and fauna, and getting wet and muddy!  We are very excited to be able to offer this to more Year groups as time goes on.

Forest School is an ethos. It gives children the opportunity to re- connect with the world around us in its natural state. It gives them the space and freedom away from time pressures, technology and everyday life stresses to reflect in their most basic forms and we are so pleased to be able to provide this for our children. We are extremely grateful to the PTA who have worked so hard to help us develop this area and supplied us with a shed as well as to one of our parents who kindly offered to supply some tree stumps for the children to sit on, adding to the rural aspect of the area.



Breakfast Club: 7.45am – 8.30 am including breakfast £3.50 per child

After School Club: 3.00 – 6.00 pm £9 per child.

20% reduction will be given for siblings attending the same session. 

Please book and pay for the session at least one day in advance through My Child at School app. Login details sent on registration with the academy.

Before your child can attend our Breakfast and After School Club, please read and sign an After School & Breakfast Club terms and conditions. Paper copies are available in the academy office.

Terms and Conditions

After School Sports Clubs with TUCST and Kinetic

Over the last few years, we have been able to offer the majority of lunchtime and after school clubs at Warberry to your children for free. This has been possible as we have paid for the
external coaches out of our PE grant and used our school budget for any additional costs and resources. However, due to the financial pressures that schools are currently under, we are not able to continue to offer these activities for free. Starting in the Autumn Term 2024, we be charging £20 per term for a lunchtime club and £30 per term for an after school club.

Our clubs will still be subsidised by our PE grant or school budget and we are offering these activities at a significantly lower cost than similar events in the community. We have again teamed up with Torquay United Community Sports Trust and the Kinetic who will continue to offer a range of Year group clubs. These companies run a number of after-school clubs across South Devon, providing children with an added opportunity to engage in physical activity. Throughout the Spring term, they will be offering football clubs for children in Years 3 & 4 and Years 5 & 6, a Hockey club for children in KS2 and an Alternative Sports club for children in Years 1 and 2. This will give our young people the opportunity to have fun whilst learning and improving their skills. The teams at TUCST and Kinetic have a thorough knowledge of the curriculum requirements in PE and work in partnership with schools to ensure that they deliver lessons that are imaginative, informative and enjoyable.

Registration for the Clubs is available via the “Clubs” tab on the MCAS app. There are limited numbers of places available for these clubs which will be allocated strictly on a first come, first served basis. Once you are in the “Clubs” tab, please click on the required club and then click on “enrol now”. If all of the spaces have been taken, your child will be added to the waiting list and we will let you know if a space becomes available.

If we receive Pupil Premium funding for your child and you feel it may be a real struggle for you to pay for one of the clubs, please speak to Mr Bone on the gate and we will endeavour to help, please note we cannot guarantee this and cases will be considered on an individual basis. If we are not currently receiving Pupil Premium funding for your child and you think you may be eligible under the income related criteria, please complete the form at Application for free school meals (

All club memberships will be renewed each term so if your child is not successful in the Spring they may get another chance in the Summer term. Notice of when the next term’s enrolment opens will be sent nearer the time.

All clubs will run every week throughout the term; in cases of bad weather, the clubs will move to an indoor space and suitable games / training will be provided. We reserve the right to cancel any of the clubs due to unforeseen circumstances but must make you aware that the payment covers the full term and no refunds will be given should we need to
cancel any week.

For the Autumn term, clubs will start the week beginning 6th January and will run until the week ending 4th April.

If any spaces are available, you can reserve them via the Clubs tab on the MCAS app.

Warberry clubs newsletter Spring Term 2025

Peripatetic Music Lessons

Here at Warberry C of E Academy, we are privileged to be able to invite external teachers in to provide a wide variety of music lessons to individual and small groups of children.

Blossoms and Carino Music currently offer Piano, Keyboard, Guitar and Ukulele lessons but also have others available.  For more information about what is available and the costs involved please contact them directly:

