We expect the highest standards of attendance and punctuality. Children every day and on time is key to steady progress and enjoyment of learning, and for this reason the school is dedicated to ensuring maximum attendance.
We encourage all pupils to work towards 100% attendance.
A whole calendar year has 365 days – a school year has only 190 days. This leaves 175 days to spend on family time, visits, holidays and other appointments.
The children should arrive at school by 8.25 am ready for registration at 8.30am. Our gates close at 8.35am and any arrival to class after 8:35am will be marked late. If a child arrives after 8:55am they will be recorded with a U code which counts as an unauthorised absence for that session.
School closes at 3.00pm.
Lunch times vary for the children depending on their class EYFS 11:20am – 12.30pm, Year 1 11:45am – 12:45pm, Year 2 11.55am – 1.00pm and KS2 12:00pm – 1:00pm.
The school day complies with the Government white paper which requires children to spend 32.5 hours a week in school.
Breakfast Club: 7.45am to 8.25am
After School Club: 3.00pm to 6.00pm
We encourage regular attendance by:
We expect that you will:
Warberry Attendance-Policy-2024_2
Annex 1 Attendance Information
Is your child too ill for school? Please click here for NHS advice on some common ailments.
The staff in school are able to administer medication to your child if you provide it and complete one of our forms. If the medicine is prescribed, we do need to see the original box with your child’s name on the pharmacist’s sticker please.
Parents Form Administration of Medicines
If your child is poorly or is absent from school at short notice please call the school on 01803 292642. If the school has not been notified of a reason for absence we will call you.
100% = Our target for every child
97%+ = Excellent
96% - 97% = Good
5 minutes late per day = 3 DAYS LOST
10 minutes late per day = 6 DAYS LOST
15 minutes late per day = 9 DAYS LOST
20 minutes late per day = 12 DAYS LOST
30 minutes late per day = 18 DAYS LOST EACH YEAR!
“Failure to attend school regularly can have a major impact on young people’s education, their future and their life chances.”
We have a comprehensive Attendance and Absence Policy; absences are strongly discouraged.
Penalty notices may be used as a deterrent to prevent a pattern of unauthorised absences developing.
It can be tricky deciding whether to keep your child off school when they are unwell. Most illnesses are very mild, like a minor headache or a slight cold. If you decide to keep your child at home, it’s important to phone the school before 9am to let them know why they will be absent. Parents need to call school every day, it is not acceptable to say that your child will be absent all week.
Wherever possible, make medical and dental appointments after school or in school holidays.
There are 13 weeks of school holidays per year. Taking holidays during term time still affects a child’s attendance.
Term time holiday + absence due to illness (or other reason) = Significant impact on your child’s attendance
You must get permission from the head teacher if you want to take your child out of school during term time.
You can only do this if:
* you make an application to the head teacher in advance (as a parent the child normally lives with)
* there are exceptional circumstances
It’s up to the head teacher how many days your child can be away from school if leave is granted.
We celebrate attendance every Monday in a special assembly where the classes with the best attendance for the previous week are awarded a certificate. We hold half termly celebration breakfasts for the class that has had the highest attendance across the school, parents are invited in to share this reward. Children can also achieve attendance badges every term – bronze, silver and gold.