Our latest Ofsted inspection took place in December 2023 and we are pleased to say that Warberry continues to be recognised as a Good provider.
The report below recognises and highlights the many excellent features of our academy:
- Pupils, parents, and staff appreciate that the school is a safe, nurturing place where relationships are positive.
- The school has made significant improvements in pupils’ attendance. Through careful analysis and swift intervention, the school and the trust have reduced persistent absence.
- Personal development is a strength of the school.
- Reading is everyone’s priority.
- Staff are proud to work at the school.
- Parents have renewed faith in the school and report that they are happy with what the school offers.
Your sharply focused improvement plans have ensured that current pupils are making stronger progress.
As pupils’ skills progress, teaching is adapted to focus on developing pupils’ comprehension skills, particularly for the most able pupils.
All pupils who spoke to me were very positive about the school.