Working outdoors is important to us here at Warberry and the introduction of our new Forest School provision has really enhanced the opportunities we can offer our children. Thanks to our fantastic Trust estates team, who worked tirelessly to enclose an area of our field and built a picket fence around a section for us, the provision is now up and running and an integral part of the curriculum. Warberry’s Forest School site is still developing and will have a fire pit and fixed canopy in the near future. EYFS were the first group to experience this outdoor learning and have loved exploring the space, discovering the flora and fauna, and getting wet and muddy!
Forest School is an ethos. It gives children the opportunity to re- connect with the world around us in its natural state. It gives them the space and freedom away from time pressures, technology and everyday life stresses to reflect in their most basic forms and we are so pleased to be able to provide this for our children. We are also extremely grateful to one of our parents who kindly offered to supply some tree stumps for the children to sit on, adding to the rural aspect of the area.
Warberry also offers an afterschool Forest School group open to years 4 to 6. So far, these children have learnt how to tell the age and height of a tree, made seasonal table decorations and enjoyed the freedom of being outside. The club and provision is proving extremely popular with children and parents and is an integral part of our offer to the children at Warberry.