What an absolute treat eight lucky Year 6 children from across our Warberry Academy football teams had on Saturday the 22nd of October. They were invited by Torquay Community Sports Trust to be player escorts for the Torquay United team at a home game against Altrincham. The trip started with the children being introduced to the team by the Trust manager as they watched the warmup from the pitch side. Each child was assigned a player to walk alongside before the start of the game, and the walk onto the pitch was a phenomenal experience in front of the crowds of spectators giving the children a wonderful sense of belonging within the Torquay community. Prior to the match beginning, the children participated in shaking hands with all the players and official, really highlighting to the children the importance of the value of respect within sport. The whole experience was one that the children will never forget especially as they appeared on national television which they all felt was particularly impressive.